We're sorry, we hardly have the time or desire to improve this website these days. Generally we find the internet creatively unsatisfying as well as extremely time consuming, not to mention the fact that it eats away at our souls. We've created and created, yet not been equally rewarded for the effort, and in cases where we got paid generously there is just too much a feeling of responsibility to just leave it all alone the way we are expected to, to just go and spend the money not thinking about support or responding to emails we receive. We find ourselves on the edges of physical health breakdowns, trying to avoid not being able to use a computer ever again. The internet tends towards turning something funny into something rude, cold and competitive. It tends to force us to serve people we have never even met in real life. Some people automatically assume that all you have is your online life, some find it weird when you don't have time to respond to un-important non-urgent email within 24 hours. The internet is getting way too impatient and demanding. This causes us to lower our standards, to not finish projects we start, to not do our jobs the way we should, and ultimately makes us into the non-caring corporate selfish people we hate the most. We do not fit into that category. We took the .com name just because we liked the sound of it, not because we wanted to be a big commercial entity or anything. So: we apologize for all the dead/broken links on our pages here. These are caused by those fools out there who feel it necessary to remove their and even our files (from harddisks that have enough space to contain over 10 times the URL's they erased). Lately there's been deleted so goddamn many files on the www, we just can't keep up with them stressed fuckheads. It's useless to delete them, their existence wouldn't hurt anyone if they remained the way they were for another 5 years. If they want humanity and the www to stink, they're doing just fine. And just when we think all goes well, the W3C or Microsoft come up with yet another browser-lingo we should all learn and use. Fuck all that, we stop right here. No more validating our sites. Back to plain old HTML where possible, away with the fancy crap the world so blatantly seems to fall for. We're better off just being musicians, composers, DJ's, writers, artists, not slaves of the internet and its users or providers. Slaves of that never-ending race against 404-errors and time. Please, do not, we repeat: DO NOT GO HERE without having read the above. Other than that just rely on the force and click away. We're not even close to ready with anything on this site just yet so: Yeah yeah, we know, it's quite an UGLY mess right now it is all still very much in PREVIEW mode, and we're not even sure we ever really want it to be something other than that.. Thanks, JT and HZ