Julius personal site home  Hens personal site

- By Email

If you would like to contact us fast, it is best to use email.
Replace the "at" and "dot" with the proper characters.
For questions, comments or suggestions
jthz (the at sign goes here) jult dot net (reaches JT and HZ both)

For PRIVATE email to Julius Thyssen
jultus (the at sign goes here) gmail dot com
If you need to get a hold of Julius urgently, or you absolutely require a response, make sure the word "Scrupules" is in the subject line of your email.

For PRIVATE email to Hens Zimmerman
hens (the at sign goes here) jult dot net

NEVER send your message to more than 1 address at a time (these get deleted automatically).

- by Telephone

We don't like using our phones that much. Chances are we won't even pick up and you will have to leave a message first for one of us to ever get back to you. If you decide to call, PLEASE don't leave us not knowing WHY you called (hate when people do that!)

+31 (0)20 6000288 for Julius
Julius' mobile phone: yeah, right

+31 (0)50 x for Hens
Hens' mobile phone: 0644 x

- by regular Mail

Since we seem to have obscure jealous enemies, we have taken our snail-mail addresses offline.
Julius lives in the Lindenstraat in the city of Amsterdam,
Hens lives in the city of Groningen somewhere.
All it takes is some emailing to get a full address...

- Online

Spam and/or Abuse of the above mentioned information will be reported
to the responsable authorities, and don't think we can't trace you !

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updated January 2005