Son of TZ jim
Baby-version of our JingleMachine ;-)
OK, sure, sample-rate is only 8kHz now and
triggers can be very (s)low this way, but hey, it werkz,
without real-audio, on any soundcard. And
try your F-keys too!
TZ-jim (a win95-version of similar nature) is available
It loads and plays high-quality WAV-files at lightspeed!
That java-crap takes a lot of time to load,
but this one was worth the wait, right?
Ja je bent gek of je bent sicko...
Er zou eigenlijk nog meer test-stuff on this page zijn,
ware 't niet dat we daar nou net totaal geen trek meer in hadden
na de gridbag-ellende van deze class...
jim.class was created by JTHZ
copyright 04-1997