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also known as  Julius' Immortal Galaxy Control

Like hell will I be responsable for damages resulting from illegal or incompetent use of the technologies to which you could be exposed here. My site is pretending to be for educational purposes only where that might come in handy in a court of law. Therefore I disclaim any responsability for the misuse, intentional or otherwise, of any information contained herein. Anything included or excluded is heretofore a part of, if not the whole, in some part, thereof. Opinions expressed are not necessarily those of anyone, living or dead. Anything that is coincidentally similar to anything else is purely coincidental. No one is responsible for anything. Blah blah blah, like anyone gives a shit. Wake-up call, newsflash: We're only human! The name of Juliusland, Maison Jules, or the Full title Juliusland, 009's Happening Funhouse Thing may not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of this information without specific, written prior consent. I make no representations about the suitability of this information for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. Juliusland, 009's Happening Funhouse Thing as presented by me, disclaims all warranties with regard to this information, including all implied warranties of merchantability and fitness. In no event shall Juliusland or its creator be liable for any special, indirect or consequential damages or any damages whatsoever resulting from loss of use, data or profits, whether in an action of contract, negligence or other tortious action, arising out of or in connection with the use or performance of this information.

Permission to use, copy and distribute documents and related graphics delivered from this World Wide Web server is hereby not granted, all information pertaining the copyright of a seperate owner excluding work specifically drawn up by me is permitted, provided that this copyright notice appears in all copies of 'Juliusland, 009's Happening Funhouse Thing' as presented by me here and that both the copyright notice and this permission notice appear.

90% of all scripts and applets nested under are by me and my cousin, © _JTHZ_ productions, Immortalware JTHZ, Men Without Plan enterprises, Natural Highness Future Productions, Julius Immortal Galaxy Control, Walking Home Alone inc., Uitgeverij HZ, HZ-publishing, I.M.K. inc., Total Multimedia Solutions


N.B.  Bovenstaande berust, zoals alles in het huidige leven van de auteur, op louter leugens en komedie. Feiten zijn mogelijk onwaarheden en tevens kunnen eventueel voorkomende namen verzonnen zijn. Zijnde via electronische weg verkregen en bewust niet gecodeerd getoonde materie, zal auteur in questie nimmer garant staan voor enige rechtsgeldigheid welke u wellicht aan dit artikel wenst te ontlenen. Niets van de inhoud van deze webpagina zal tegen de auteur gebruikt mogen worden; Wanneer lezers van, of derden, gegevens van of uit deze pagina aan justitie overhandigen als zijnde bewijsmateriaal voor deelname aan een organisatie met criminele activiteit(en) als oogpunt, zal de auteur alle aan de inhoud opgelegde waarde nietig verklaren. Afgaande op het niet aanwijsbare waarheidsgehalte van alle eventueel genoemde gegevens voorkomend in de HTML-code waar deze tekst deel van uitmaakt, kunnen er geen rechten aan ontleend worden.

Get on with this idiotic introduction! Schiet nou op man!


list of the software I like to use
<BGSOUND SRC="au/fossil.mid" LOOP="INFINITE">