About A Little Love (JTHZ Cicada Dub) by CeeJay & JTHZ - april 2001
We konden met deze hit heel veel kanten op, maar hebben besloten helemaal
ons eigen ding te gaan doen. Door de missende standaard "boem-klap"
lijkt het geheel langzamer dan het origineel, maar dat is dus schijn.
We hebben geen time-stretching gedaan op de originele samples.
Wel moesten we de gebruikte vocals per stukje inlassen, vanwege
in het origineel aanwezige reverbs en een andere ritmische stijl van zingen,
die anders vaak off-sync leek. Zelf zijn we er bijna lyrisch over, al
kunnen we er nauwelijks nog over oordelen. Het heeft 'n wat New York
freestyle feeling, maar had niet in een andere tijd gemaakt kunnen worden
dan nu, en draagt beslist ons eigen stempel. Een zo kort mogelijke
beschrijving in het engels:
The Making Of:
CeeJay sounds have not once left the digital domain (or 44.1 samplerate).
There are no samples from other songs or records to clear.
All vocal samples taken from original ceejay acappella,
except the sound in the intro and extro, which is the
calling song from the large insect called the "Cicada",
taken from an original stereo-recording done in a windy spring
in the south of France. The deeper motive to use this sound is that
this friendly creature lives underground for 13 years, and then lives
in high trees for only 6 weeks, and does not do any damage by the way.
( All very much like this CeeJay song, hidden for 13 years . . . )
This particular Cicada species ("Tibicen auletes") sings in a tempo
you can clock a very sync rate out of; Depending on the temperature
the tempo changes. Now it's 119 BPM, in july it's around 130 BPM !
The slightly male human-ish sound used in the start of the track
was generated using the Doepfer A100 modular analog synthesizer
and JS Humanizer by Doktor Schmitt. Other sounds are from
personal libraries or handcrafted using the Doepfer A100,
TS 404 synthesizer and Korg Triton synthesizer.
Hardware: several Windows 98SE computers, Doepfer A100, Korg Triton,
JBSystems mixer, EchoAudio Gina24, Alesis MasterLink ML-9600, Alesis QVerb.
Software: FruityLoops, L.A.M.E., SoundForge, JTHZ editing software,
Special effects generated using Korg Triton DSP's, SoundForge, Blue
compressor, Freeverb + Fr Wrapper, MDA Delay, MDA RoundPan, MDA Stereo,
Fr 7 band EQ, Fr Delay, Fr Reverb, JS Humanizer, Northpole.
Click here to DOWNLOAD high-quality VBR MP3 version of our remake (7,6 MB)
Dedicated to The Limit Productions
About the ORIGINAL version:
A Little Love (What's Going On) - CeeJay
all by Bernard Oattes and Rob van Schaik
Released on vinyl by Next Plateau Records in 1988