First, J.T. reacts on the story on that page. The following text was also emailed to Patapoe, but J.T. told me he's gotten no response at all!
It starts in dutch, but most of it is in english. Here's the first e-mail revealing truths, in full, uncensored:
Rob, ( = Robert van der Schild - red.)
ik zag net voor het eerst weer eens de ptp-site,
en afgezien van een hoop onwaarheden wat betreft
het verhaal over de geschiedenis van Patapoe,
zal ik me trachten te beperken tot wat jullie nodig achten
rondom mij te moeten publiceren op het web.
Nu valt me dit niet alleen erg van JOU tegen, ook vind ik het
bijzonder slap en goedkoop om het op deze laffe wijze te zien. (Ik werd
door een oud-Patapoe-gediende gebeld, die de pagina ontdekt had...)
On (about the silo)
it says ( written by you, Rob ):
> It could even get worse.
Het was helemaal niet zo erg op de silo, het werd er juist weer
steeds beter, vooral dankzij MIJN inzet en die van wat bekenden van MIJ.
De reden dat het erg was, had vooral te maken met het feit dat ik niet
vrij-uit bij de zender en antenne kon komen, omdat Jeroen daar woonde.
Er heerste onder andere de vreemde indruk dat je maar beter iets wat werkt
(ook al is het niet optimaal) met rust kon laten. Heel vreemd vond ik dat,
om zo'n conservatieve vastgeroeste instelling te ontmoeten in juist
die beweging en die tak van de samenleving. Mijn motto was toch
meer in de richting van progressie, vooruitgang, verbetering enzo.
Zelden heb ik in mijn leven zo'n stroeve groep mensen meegemaakt
als daar bij Patapoe (enkele uitzonderingen daargelaten).
Patapoe was in de periode 1995-1998 nog nooit zo dicht beluisterd trouwens,
en nooit eerder zo regelmatig van nieuwe uitzendingen voorzien. En dan
heb ik het niet eens (alleen) over uitzendingen van mij en de mijnen.
Overigens zijn daar dus echte onderzoeken naar geweest, weet je dat?
(Die liggen bij Salto ter inzage. Gemeente en het commisariaat van de media
weten er meer over. De luisterdichtheid van Radio 100 en Patapoe,
in combinatie met die van Salto-zenders. Gek genoeg lees je daar bijna
niets over andere piraten, maar dat zal wel weer door dhr. van Limburg komen.)
> The new, young punks had found a new place after the "Graansilo"
You, Rob, were that young punk who had found this new place.
You pointed it out to us, and that's where it got started.
> was to be bombed away as well as the first "Uilenburcht".
> The old folks gave the torch to the young folks
A 'torch' has never ( I repeat: N E V E R ) been given away to anyone.
Not in writing, not in email, not during meetings, never. It might look nice
in writing on the web, but it is made up by some people who seldomly
did anything for Patapoe at all. So please, this torch-thing is nonsense.
You are repeating Josephine, who wrote that to me in some strange email
filled with lies. Her self-assigned 'leadership' and self-proclaimed
authority over ALL of Patapoe's programmakers got that story started.
> and they started building up a room in the squat called
> "Albert Zuyp".
The squatters (who were very kind people by the way, I liked
them better than most Patapoe-members) made up this name
for the whole building a week before we got in there.
> The new self titled technician fucked up
I have degrees in several technical areas, so "self-titled" does not compute.
And I did not fuck anything up, to my knowledge. Please, explain to me and
to the visitors of your webpage HOW and WHERE I fucked up with WHAT, 'cause
really, I haven't got a clue! The transmitter was built by Henk. I never
changed the settings in such a way that it would matter as far
as disturbance goes. Absolutely NO WAY in hell.
*I* bought the new transmitter and antenna (with my own money by the way)
in 'virtual' cooperation with Henk, Rob van Limburg, Josephine and Jeroen.
I've travelled to Haarlem for that about 6 times and talked it over with Henk,
with whom I've also been on the phone for hours. Henk I believe is 6 years
younger than I am, so he has skipped most of the tricks I experienced with
AM (medium wave), "balanced 300 ohm-transmittors" and what the dutch call
"buizenzenders en balansjes", but that didn't matter: I've spend whole afternoons
talking with him about the old days and things concerning transmitting 'illegally'
on FM. He, as well as I, started at a very young age with all that. So,
I got the old transmitter and the power-supply from Geert and Jeroen,
gave them to Henk so that he could lower his price on the new one.
(Which he barely did by the way..)
> when the police transmitter was being entered every time
> we were in the air.
This is also untrue. You can ASK the people that got us off the air.
There was NO disturbance on police-transmitters at all, this is a story
coming from VERY unreliable sources. See what the newspapers said.
You (or Josephine) were nowhere to be seen by the way, just after, and during
the 3 weeks before Patapoe had been taken off the air, so you don't know much
about it, as far as I can tell. I was there just a few hours before the RDR came
to take the illegal stuff away, and I was there just after it had happened.
The real reason to take us off the air is said to be the complaints from some old
lady neighboor, with an old crappy television set, that was too close to our antenna.
(We all know what mobile phones do on equipment, don't we? Well, THINK!)
The transmitter wasn't bad at all, it did NOT cause any disturbance by itself,
trust me, I've seen its output on a spectrum analyzer on my PC and it was
still as clean as Henk told me it would be when he handed it over to me.
> Within a week the station was taken out of the air.
We had been ON AIR FOR 4 WEEKS !
And I was testing with the equipment months earlier even, at home.
I can prove that too, I still have all e-mails about that. There had been
a few problems with access to the studio; The squatters living in the Albert Zuyp
had some trouble with junkies that stole stuff from them, so they changed their
locks. I got the new keys while we were already on the air for 2 weeks.
Of course, you never listened, so how would you know? I was there almost daily.
(The sound was better then and there, than the stuff you've put together now.
Y'all could ask yourselves:
Why would the sound be of such high quality, yet the transmitter be so very bad?
Could it perhaps have anything to do with those who delivered the transmitter?)
> This technician went on thinking he was the boss
You have got to be kidding.
You and all the others that asked for it got a key to the studio a.s.a.p.
I was never bossy about anything, and you are very well aware of that.
Really, it's very silly to accuse me of that. You're paranoid.
> and when a new place was found it was decided he needed
> to be kicked out.
I went away completely volontarily. Nobody kicked me out, I decided that
you people no longer deserve my dedicated cooperation or help. It was clear
to me and many others that your bullshit-stories stunk like rotting meat.
> His way was doing everything on his own or with people
> that weren't involved with the station.
Not true at all. As far as the technical matters go, Henk and Rob van Limburg
have exactly the same strategy concerning the core of FM-stations. Those 'people'
that I 'recruted' were a lot more "involved with the station" and radio in
general than Josephine had been for the last 10 years, so what's your point?
You seem to keep on repeating Josephine, who is merely like some crazed
enemy and always wanted to reach me over the phone when it was obvious
there was no need to talk; We had e-mail. The fact she couldn't answer properly
to my e-mails is not an excuse to obligate me to speak over the phone.
I was very good friends with the squatters at Entrepotdok, till you arrived there
the next year. And you (very sneeky) leave out all the in-between affairs
that belong to the history of Patapoe. Get this, for example:
I already worked for Patapoe for 6 years before Josephine suddenly appeared
to me as someone who thought she 'knew everything' and had 'been everywhere',
while I barely heard her do anything on air.
Another good example is the way I first started to build it all up again
(with help of my friends and some of the residents) at Entrepotdok.
I was ready to move the new transmitter there when I suddenly received
a very weird email from Geert saying it was better not to move in there.
This was all decided without my consent, by those who rarely had
patapoe-airtime with anything, let alone contribute technically.
I found this to be very strange. I remember a few winter-months
in which I was practically the only one closing and opening Patapoe's
studio doors. Where were all those seemingly 'old fanatics' then?
Again, I have told this many times before:
If we had moved the new transmitter into Entrepotdok that particular summer,
we would still be on air with it, and I would be as loved by you people as I
always had been. I always said it was a fine location. Now you're there yourself
and you placed the antenna upside down. (What a joke!) I worked very hard
to put it up the right way, to help and inform you all these years,
and this kind of bullshit is the thanks I get? Your judgement really sucks.
If you think Patapoe is better off without me, fine, however strange
your arguments are, I can live with that. I can go on without you.
Most of you were too lame to understand me anyway, so I don't really
miss it all that much. But if you decide to keep these lies on that webpage,
I will surely take counter-measures. I have always protected you,
your names and Patapoe, but this bashing me in public
is a little too much for my taste.
If that crap about me is still on the web July 1 1999, I'll publish this
e-mail along with many others I've received from you idiots over the years.
The audience, the listeners too by the way, have a right to know.
Next you'll be able to read an email-answer from J.T. to some very weird accusations, again, the truth about Patapoe and his leaving the crew:
Subject: even recapituleren, shall we?
From: J.T.
Date: Thu, 31 Dec 1998 16:49:53 GMT
To: felipe@xs mupe@desk
hier begon het ongeveer mee, het is best een mooi verhaal hoor:
Subject: ALARM
From: J.T.
Date: Sat, 14 Nov 1998 00:13:54 GMT
Patapoe lijkt uit de lucht te zijn, maar is dat niet !
Wil iemand z.s.m. (misschien vannacht nog) het hondje UIT-schakelen ?
Gelukkig is het namelijk koud, maar ik ben behoorlijk bang
dat de zaak oververhit kan raken als dit niet snel gebeurt.
En ikzelf kan pas morgenmiddag (za) weer ter plaatse zijn.
Dus gewoon de powerswitch uit, zodat de gekleurde lampjes uit gaan.
Dit alles is waarschijnlijk te danken aan een te kritisch afgeregelde
buffertrap (niet door mij), die op dit moment geen enkel vermogen
meer doorlaat naar de eindtrap omdat de vandaag toegevoegde ontvanger
haar voedings-spanning met die van de zender deelt
en dus een fractie omlaag haalt; funest voor het hele station.
Het voert te ver om in detail uit te gaan leggen hoe en wat
maar wat het betekent is: Ik ga morgenmiddag met de SWR/Power-meter
de zaak weer back on-air halen. No one else will, vrees ik.
Josephine schreef:
> Voor afwezigen: We hebben het over het schedule,
> de doormen, de benefiet en de mast gehad. Verschillende, zeer
> competente mensen houden zich met deze dingen bezig.
Dat competente, eehem, daar zou ik niet zo zeker van zijn.
Ik begrijp best dat jij en vele anderen het goed bedoelen,
dat jullie denken dat vele handen licht werk maken,
maar dit is nu precies waar voor veel technische dingen
net effe het grote probleem zit:
Dat moet je aan 1, hooguit 2 mensen overlaten, die moet je niet afleiden,
niet opjutten of teveel lastige vragen gaan stellen als die bezig zijn,
want dan krijg je wat er nu aan het handje is:
GEEN eindtrap meer aan (?), een signaal wat
niet verder reikt dan het pand zelf !
Eigenlijk wel een goeie 'straf' voor al diegenen die vergeten
hoe belangrijk het technische hart van radio zijn kan.
Het zender en aanstraalgedeelte moet je overlaten aan mensen,
die er genoeg vanaf weten en er op de juiste manier mee om
weten te gaan. It is delicate matter we're dealing with here.
> Ook de zwakke uitzendingen richting west, waar ik erge last van heb.
Kwestie van hondje en staart moven naar de 'lastige' plek.
Ik ben erover in onderhandeling, maar dat gaat helaas niet sneller
dan het kan, en ik kan er ook niet bij waarom er nu in een paar dagen
�n een hele studio �n een aanstraalgebeuren �n een sleutelbeleid
gereed moeten zijn teneinde op a.s. zondag 'live' uit te gaan zenden.
Gaat er iemand dood op maandag ofzo, dat er zo'n haast bij is?
> No worry. Antenna is coming too.
Die tweede extra antenne zal nog niet veel helpen
als je die op de huidige mast bevestigd, een mast
die overigens gebouwd is door Martijn, Jasper en mij.
Let wel: De afgelopen weken hebben jullie kunnen genieten
van uitzendingen DANKZIJ hen, zonder hen was er geen mast.
> ps: en uitzendingen beginnen zondag dus!
als je voelt voor huisradio die nergens naar klinkt; go ahead!
Het is nog lang niet af lieve mensen. 1 ding tegelijk svp.
En last but not least: Leave me alone! Only then al sal reg kom.
Maak me alsjeblieft niet gek door over e-mails te gaan zeuren.
Ik werk het beste alleen (of met mensen die ik heel goed ken),
als dat niet bevalt, jammer dan.
Subject: [patapoe] Re: ALARM
From: Josephine Bosma
Date: Sat, 14 Nov 1998 10:39:17 +0100 (CET)
From: Josephine Bosma
I would like to draw everybody's attention to the disturbing mails
J.T. is sending around. Some of you know about it, but to others
this phenomenon is new.
J.T. is quite new to Patapoe, and we have given him a lot of trust
on the basis of his confident speech. It is true he worked almost
entirely alone on the last hotspot. Reasons for this are complex though.
He is an inventive technician, but a VERY confusing communicator.
The old ptpteam felt totally upside down and let its old network go,
thinking it was time to pass on the flame to a new generation.
This strategy has not worked. Juul is a loner, and he does not trust
anyone's work but his own to be perfect. Fact is, it isn't. Nobody's
work is. Also the background of him from the old discopirates, a
rather paranoid and envious bunch when it comes to their relationship
to the so-called alternative pirates 100, Keyser and Patapoe (who
have been tolerated and they have not), makes him not want to rely
on the technicians working there, and talk down on them.
It cuts Patapoe off from the networks it always had.
The discussions J.T. and others from the underground radio scene
are having around the way our equipment is set up is one of slightly
different tastes and ways of working, which they like to have over
the heads of people that do not know about technology. Fact is there
is not one way of working, and every constructionprocess comes with
experiment and mistakes and unexpected delays in this area. It was
also very much the case at the old spot. It is ridiculous that J.T.
keeps pushing every thing that goes wrong onto other people's shoulders,
and is blind to his own. It is unworkable. For instance: J.T. knew about
the interference with the policescanner at the old adress. Yet he told
it to the un-techies in such a manner it sounded like a rather harmless
fault. If he would have said: RAID FOR SURE, we would have acted.
It is important that a technician knows how to deal with communications
too, as we are a collaboration, it keeps the station up.
(READ THIS J: I am not saying it was J.T. mistake we were raided,
but he just lacks certain qualities we definetely need in a technician.
For all these reasons together, old-core people have decided to work
with technicians from the old scene again. 100 and Keyser are maintained
and built by them. There are comments on the set up of 100 too, by J.T..
They have been on the air for 15 years now though, have a large reach
and an extra transmitter, maintainance, etc. Choosing for them is
simply chosing for security and people that deserve our trust. I have
expressed the desire to J.T. for him to collaborate with them, with
them as first technicians, but J.T. just keeps nagging and complaining
about them. He wants to be our first technician, but he does not have my,
and others', trust for this. It is really better to stick to one
technician as he says, but it has to be someone else then him.
I know Juul is not going to like this, and if he gets really mad he maybe
should think of working on his own again, own transmitter and all. This
is crazy. He gets fights everywhere (BarFM too) and I am not going to
allow him to fuck us up. We might have to shut down this mailinglist too.
There are numerous ways to start a new one. It is very easy. We know
enough people with servers for example.
regards and hope this has not been too confusing and deep for all of you.
From: J.T.
Josephine Bosma <jesis> making a fool out of herself, wrote:
> I would like to draw everybody's attention to the disturbing mails
> J.T. is sending around. Some of you know about it, but to others
> this phenomenon is new.
The 'disturbing' part of my mails could consist of the fact that they
are telling truths you would rather try to hide or forget about.
> J.T. is quite new to Patapoe, and we have given him a lot of trust
> on the basis of his confident speech.
There has never been given any 'trust' to me, not in writing
nor in any other way, I have merely entered through friends
that already worked for Patapoe. I am only 'new to Patapoe'
if 6 years is still considered new, and I have listened to it
ever since it existed.
> It is true he worked almost entirely alone on the last hotspot.
I worked together with Jasper, Martijn, Berend, Jurjen, Leo,
Bart, Bauke, Hens and some people living (squatting) at that spot.
> Reasons for this are complex though.
No they aren't: Most others were just plain lazy
or not motivated to do anything for radio.
> He is an inventive technician, but a VERY confusing communicator.
Inventive? The confusing part consists of your problem with giving up
this silly quest for control, and of you not *wanting* to trust me,
and some of you accusing me of all sorts of far-fedged made-up crap
I don't know anything about.
> The old ptpteam felt totally upside down and let its old network go,
> thinking it was time to pass on the flame to a new generation.
None of that has ever been made public to any of us.
I don't consider myself 'new generation', you could hear me
on your FM-dial years before Patapoe or Dood did their first shows.
I did soundscape-like radio years before Radio 100 ever started doing that,
and I never used any of that to portray myself as superior to others either.
To be honest, I never used ego-boosting like that, simply because I know what was
needed for me and others at ptp and realized nobody cared about such sillyness,
which would only distract from making fun radio. Which was what *I* cared about achieving.
> This strategy has not worked. Juul is a loner, and he does not trust
> anyone's work but his own to be perfect.
I'm not a loner. To you I might seem, that's just because you
create a distance (see *). I seem to know more about it all
than others, probably because I have been messing with FM-radio,
tapes, sound etc. etc. ever since I was 10 years old. That was 1976.
I've been busy with music and sound and transmitters for hours
on a daily basis ever since I was able to. When you are in it
this long, you get to be perfectionist in the field. I always
thought Patapoe needed someone like me to enter the tech-part.
You obviously want to moderate the crew to what it used to be,
a few 'friends' that never show up to do their radioshows and
steal each others pre-recorded radioshow cassette-tapes etc.
Then you accuse me of being pessimistic or disturbing or other
shit like that, while I'm only being realistic and truthful.
> Fact is, it isn't. Nobody's work is.
I never say my work is perfect, I only claim to be able to do a lot
of it better than many of you ever would. I concluded this from
life's experience. Sorry to be this smart, but hey, I won't go and
change reality by pretending to be more stupid than I really am.
Or anything like that.
> Also the background of him from the old discopirates,
I have never been directly involved with any 'discopirate', I have been
involved in creating discomixes though, and sometimes these were played
on some FM-stations. I have helped many people and FM-stations over
the years by contributing tapes and technical assistance, but always
as an independent. I don't like it when people think they can tell me what
listeners should hear or try to control what I (want to) do with sound.
I don't think 'discopirates' (whatever you mean by that) ever existed,
it's usually the VPRO not describing the Veronica-programmes in
their TV-guide and not the other way around. Similar to that
Patapoe doesn't want to work together with what you call 'discopirates'
but for the other side there are no problems with that.
You think you are special or better than them while you're not.
People are people.
> a rather paranoid and envious bunch when it comes to their relationship
> to the so-called alternative pirates 100, Keyser and Patapoe (who
> have been tolerated and they have not), makes him not want to rely
> on the technicians working there, and talk down on them.
Huh? You are the one making this all up, so YOU are the paranoid one!
You think Patapoe needs something like this while it does not.
100, Keyser and Patapoe have never really been 'tolerated'.
As a matter of fact, when the radio controlling police (RDR)
last visited me at my home (to confiscate one of many
FM-transmitters I have built and owned in my life)
I asked them about all this. They were quite friendly and
spoke frankly about it. The fact they almost never 'do'
100/Keyser/Patapoe is a simple matter of not enough money and
fear of riots and movements they have no clear overview of.
Every time they bust a 'pirate', they want to be able to deliver
valid reports, to write out fines to persons involved. They need
to catch guilty people in the act. They want to gain money from it,
not lose it on court-cases. And apart from that they simply have too
little time for too many cases of radio-disturbance from other sources.
According to them it's all delusions of grandeur if 100/keyser/patapoe
assume they are being 'tolerated' the way you think they are.
This hype is coming from your so-called contact who pretends to know
RDR-members in person, but who has never had them visiting at teatime
(not the way I have).
> It cuts Patapoe off from the networks it always had.
There has never been much of a network as far as I was told about.
My idea is that it was just a bunch of disorganized media-terrorists
non-democratically chosen as a chosen few that was allowed to do radio
on this technically quite messy put together FM-station. The reputation
Patapoe has among good technicians is not as good as you believe it is.
(Coincidentally, I heard it started to gain a better rep ever since I put my hands on it..)
> The discussions J.T. and others from the underground radio scene
> are having around the way our equipment is set up is one of slightly
> different tastes and ways of working, which they like to have over
> the heads of people that do not know about technology. Fact is there
> is not one way of working,
Well, that's where you're wrong, Josephine,
there IS 1 way and I'll try to explain why:
FM-stereo radio is in essence human invention, if you decide
you are gonna use it, there is basically one way to do it,
you use it as it was meant to be by the creators.
If you're gonna transmit in FM-stereo, you are doing it
to be received in FM-stereo, otherwise you wouldn't need
a transmitter. Therefore one should use FM-stereo in sync with
those who build the FM-receivers. This is your only true reference.
Any other argument is like saying:
Hey let's all stop breathing now shall we?
Technically there is only a slight variation of ideas on how to
modulate a transmitter for FM-stereo. In FM-stereo each frequency
in the audio-spectrum (low, mid, high etc.) has a maximum
saturation potential. You can either decide to modulate far below
these levels (and don't use them for their full potential)
or modulate above them and cause interference and disturbance.
Both are pretty useless, because then the other end (the listener)
will not receive the signal using its maximum potential.
Audio-processing has developed immensely the last 20 years,
nowadays FM-stereo is (in the sense of maximum peek-potential)
best used by stations like Radio 538, which you can pick up
on 101.2 in Amsterdam. You might not agree with the content,
but technically they recently switched to use the best there is
(for FM-stereo). I've seen the specs and heard the tests,
it's up to them if they configure it the right way or not.
Technically it doesn't really matter what audio you send to a transmitter,
you want the best possible frequency response. You could compare this
by just listening to CD or LP directly or via Patapoe Radio and a tuner.
When wanting to modulate on FM my primary and only goal is (and should be)
to reach the exact same sound-quality as when you would be listening to
the modulating channels directly through an amplifier.
That means you strife for the lowest possible noise-floor
and the best flat frequency response on any FM-tuner.
All of this happens to have been one of my main drives
when entering the Patapoe crew.
> also very much the case at the old spot. It is ridiculous that J.T.
> keeps pushing every thing that goes wrong onto other people's shoulders,
Hey sorry, I haven't opened the transmitter, you can't shove that on me
this time around. It was badly configured, the antenna was put up there
upside-down, and I am very experienced in adjusting these pieces of
equipment, I have had them at home, I have grown to know FM-stereo
as if it was part of my own body. I can almost feel it when something
is wrong and where. This is not even exaggerated. Others
who are also on this mailing-list can vouch for that.
> and is blind to his own. It is unworkable. For instance: J.T. knew about
> the interference with the policescanner at the old adress. Yet he told
> it to the un-techies in such a manner it sounded like a rather harmless
> fault. If he would have said: RAID FOR SURE, we would have acted.
Yeah right, keep on twisting the stories like this.
There was no interference with police-scanners, they told Colin
(who had opened the door to the RCD/RDR/Police-people and whom
I thoroughly interrogated a few hours after it happened)
there was just some interference on tv at some woman's house.
I have warned everybody involved about that possibility *more than
once*, there are many on this mailing-list that can vouch for this too!
We were on-air for 4 weeks, and because I KNEW for 100% that
our transmitter did not transmit any possible harmonics which could
directly cause disturbance I did not see any reason to worry much.
With the very bad transmitter on top of the silo we were just lucky
it was so high up there and far away from any TV.
It's as simple as abc: If you are going to put an old television set
just beneath ANY FM-transmitter, it will be sensitive to this signal.
Plus, if you are illegally transmitting in FM-stereo you
can include the risk of losing your equipment.
It strikes me as very strange to blame ME for losing this equipment,
start a campaign to try and change the law if you don't like it.
I wasn't bothered as much as you by losing this game again:
I personally have had worse experiences than this. Imagine
having worked for years on your own FM-transmitter, antenna
and stereo-coder (it practically becomes like your child).
Imagine all of a sudden having to hand the stuff over to the law.
You ask them why, and they acknowledge the fact it did not cause
any disturbances of any kind, but it is just plain illegal
to own illegal FM-transmitters and to use them.
Something inside you is torn after that.
> It is important that a technician knows how to deal with communications
> too, as we are a collaboration, it keeps the station up.
I don't agree with that, I can be both collaborating and what I want to be,
at 100 and Keyser it is the same: The technicians won't share being what
they are. (This might be the very reason why Patapoe never seems to be
reaching their level, technically speaking. I don't like turning over
specific activities to people I KNOW will not do it with the same
passion, or people I know are not as capable as I am. I always end up
teaching others how things work so that they know how to operate the shit.)
> but he just lacks certain qualities we definetely need in a technician.
May I remind you that your previous main technician, Mark, who has moved
to Amersfoort, will agree with me on most of the problems YOU have or
YOU create with me. He was glad he could hand it all over to me!
And because I like the guy, I will not tell you now what he said
about most of you, but I think now I understand completely
what he meant back then.
I don't think technicians are loners, it is just that it is never work
which needs to be done by more or other people. They work better alone.
And the funny thing is; Look around you, I don't think you will find
many technicians that are as tolerant and collaborating as yours truly.
If the bullshit I've gotten from you is your gratitude for what
I've already done for Patapoe, not many people would ever stay,
but I always did, because I think I know where it's all coming from.
I'm just different from what you expect.
You are afraid of what you don't know.
> For all these reasons together, old-core people have decided to work
> with technicians from the old scene again.
Nonsense, before this they were just not up to it
or too damn lazy to come and help us. Or angry with me
for reasons I still don't understand. There are zillions
of Robs and Hanks on this planet. They're not that special.
I hope all these dictators get what they deserve sometime.
> There are comments on the set up of 100 too, by J.T..
I have comments on the way they modulate on FM, and on the way they
maintain their equipment. And as far as I recall, H. (who has built
our current transmitters) agreed with me on that entirely.
All they had thus far was luck, with their location and money.
> They have been on the air for 15 years now though, have a large reach
> and an extra transmitter, maintainance, etc. Choosing for them is
> simply chosing for security and people that deserve our trust. I have
> expressed the desire to J.T. for him to collaborate with them, with
> them as first technicians,
I'd gladly agree. The problem was at their end: They didn't believe me.
The antenna and transmitter we have now were not set up by these guys,
I could simply see this with my own eyes. And yesterday I discovered
who had been chosen to handle the relais-transmitter, and I'm sorry
but they don't know what they're doing. You can thank the gods
for me coincidentally being there! But I'm never gonna install any
precious relais-setup with 4 people looking at me ever again, it
was really annoying to have to put up with dumb 'oversight' like that.
> but J.T. just keeps nagging and complaining about them.
Who do you mean by 'them'? If you mean who I think you mean by 'them'
I'm not the only one nagging and complaining about them.
> He wants to be our first technician, but he does not have my,
I have never expressed that wish to anyone. I just want to be able
to interfere if (and where and when) necessary. Only then I can make
it sound better than Radio 100/Vrije Keyser, which is possible.
(Radio de Vrije Keyser is not transmitting anymore by the way, or is it?)
> and others', trust for this. It is really better to stick to one
> technician as he says, but it has to be someone else then him.
I wrote: 1 or 2 technicians, but not more.
> should think of working on his own again, own transmitter and all. This
> is crazy. He gets fights everywhere (BarFM too) and
Please don't talk about things you don't know about.
The fight at BAR FM was initiated by their dictating director
(who uses speed quite often and had back then).
Sorry, but I can't do radio with people on drugs next to me.
He raised his voice at me, and did not agree with the content of my
radioshow there (which was mostly joking about poop and troubles with
my toilet-flushing system, shit like that, he was probably just a prude!).
With him trying to change it, I had to give up my freedom. He later on
asked me back and apologized but I decided not to go there with him again.
It's a weak unstable ego you're dealing with there.
> I am not going to allow him to fuck us up.
The way I see this, you are fucking us up. It went OK, till all of a sudden
deadlines appear and things are being done behind my back while there is
no reason they should be. You are also slowly trying to overpower everyone
involved with Patapoe by making decisions for others.
They can all decide for themselves if I'm fucking them up thank you.
If you wanted it to be a pleasant situation, you'd have given me keys
as soon as you had them. If anyone needed them, it would be me, if
anyone can be trusted with them, it would be me. But you chose to
make it a hostile atmosphere and I find myself being distrusted,
ignored and yelled at by people that don't even know me one bit
yet at the same time rely on my technical support.
> We might have to shut down this mailinglist too.
Better yet: Is anyone interested in maintaining the Patapoe websites?
I have no real problem giving that login, pass + serverspace away
to anyone interested in doing all that, as I have a very busy life
these days. I will obviously only help with that
if I have my show on Patapoe.
> There are numerous ways to start a new one. It is very easy.
> We know enough people with servers for example.
* Here we have the "we"-thing again, who are "we"???
Now who's the confusing communicator here?
I suppose it is out of jealousy and envy that you seem so annoyed
with someone in a godlike position like this. I have encountered this
before, when mastering these skills of FM-radio etc. you find yourself
in an extremely powerful position. Having power is always dangerous.
I think I'm using it wisely though. I would - for instance - never
meddle with (or try to control) the way others like to do their shows.
You would.
Subject: Trust
From: J.T.
Date: Sun, 15 Nov 1998 19:09:34 GMT
Kan het nog doorzichtiger? Ik heb helemaal geen ruzie met H./R.
maar als Diana Ozon schrijft:
> Zojuist heb ik vernomen dat de zender terug is naar de bouwer.
> Iemand heeft erin zitten klooien: alleen de bouwer mag dit!
Dan zie je toch wat hier werkelijk gaande is:
- mensen verkopen een zender aan jullie
- zender werkt niet naar behoren
- zenderverkopers beweren dat het niet hun fout is
(teneinde hun onschendbare rep in stand te houden)
Die verafgoding door enkelen van jullie voor de heren H. en R.
is echt bij het gestoorde af; Alsof dit gezelschap uit robots bestaat
en nooit 1 foutje kan maken. Ik heb echt uren met H. en zelfs met R.
gesproken in mijn leven, en het zijn gewoon maar mensen hoor !
Ik ben de afgelopen maanden vaak genoeg in het hokje geweest waar de zender
stond, om jullie te kunnen verzekeren dat er helemaal niemand in heeft zitten
klooien. Niet voor zover ik dat heb kunnen beoordelen, en dat kan ik.
Daar hoef je echt geen sherlock holmes voor te zijn ofzo.
Toen de bak er namelijk net stond viel me op hoe die (scheef) dichtgeschroefd zat,
en afgelopen vrijdagavond was dat nog exact hetzelfde.
Omdat er vrijdag ineens geen vermogen meer uit kwam heb ik de bovenklep
wat vaster dichtgeschroefd, het kwam mij al die tijd al verdacht voor
dat die zo los dicht moest zitten. Kijk, als die boys nu een verzegeling op
die kast hadden gezet konden ze hun "er is mee geklooid" verhaal bewijzen!
Dan kunnen ze vervolgens naar vingerafdrukken zoeken, en ontdekken dat
ze niet de mijne vinden, maar die van bijvoorbeeld Josephine. Haha!
What do you take me for anyway?
Zaterdagmiddag kwam ik ter plaatse om te zien dat de zaak was verdwenen,
uit navraag bij mensen ter plaatse bleek dat Josephine hem rond een uur
of 11 zaterdag weggehaald had.
Jammer (voor iedereen) van dat gebrek aan vertrouwen, ik had hem namelijk
gewoon netjes terug in de lucht gekregen als ze die bak had laten staan,
en dan zaten we nu onveranderd met tapes on-air.
Maar nee, de heren wetenschappers weten het beter en moeten er weer dagen
(zo niet weken) overheen laten gaan, ja want dat staat zeker indrukwekkend?
"Wij weten namelijk wat we doen." Sure, halfuurtje werk, maar OK...
Kunt ook u al voorspellen wat er gebeurt zodra "we" ooit op een kwade dag
weer uit de lucht worden gehaald? Dan beweert men doodleuk uit de hoogte:
"J.T. zal er wel aan hebben zitten klooien, en dan staan
wij niet garant voor een storingsvrije zender."
Ik laat het hier voor deze week bij. I've made my point.
Kom, doe niet zo belachelijk kortzichtig, leg dat wantrouwen naast je neer.
To: r.srinivasan
Subject: Re: [patapoe] Re: to everyone
From: J.T.
Date: Sat, 21 Nov 1998 02:34:27 GMT
Fri, 20 Nov 1998 15:57:51 +0100 you mailed me:
> Just a quick question: Will we be doing radio shows for PTP next week or
> not? Either way, when is the next meeting?
> bedankt,
> Ramesh
Good question(s).
I think you better find another station to do your show(s),
one can't work with idiots like these guys I kid you not!
As I've already predicted, we're still not on air (!)
and if we will be it won't be the way we could be,
all because these dumb fucks wouldn't let me do what was necessary.
Instead they move out the transmitter and bring it to idiots
that need weeks to do what I can do just as good (if not better)
in half an hour. So, hey, I kinda have given up on them.
They put their trust in the wrong people.
Let them dwell in their misery for a while..
N.B. De auteur van deze web-pagina wenst nadrukkelijk te bevestigen dat zij NIET genoemde J.T. zelf is. Zij heeft slechts van hem de toestemming gekregen enkele door hem verzonden en ontvangen e-mails te publiceren. content of this page is (c)1999 FMdV (former member mailinglist Patapoe)