What do you mean "smiley"?
Have you ever had one of those weird 'drawings' in any of your messages ?
In case you did and doubted what they meant, here are their (my) explanations:
:) - First original smiley by user with no time on hand (unix/DOS coder smiley).
;) - Ditto winking smiley for user with no spare second, using monospaced fonts.
:0 - Ooh and Aah smiley expressing 'WOW' or 'How dare you/I say that?' feeling.
:-) - Message/sentence which is humorous / smiley standard / Happy guy
:-( - Frowning. Sad or Un-smiley / Message which often means trouble / Sad guy.
;-) - Message to be taken with a grain of salt. A.k.a. winking/Sardonic incredulity.
Ideal standard smiley for readers using serif font (Times New Roman etc.)
Wink! Wink! Nudge! Nudge! (see Monthy Python's Flying Circus)
8*) - Writer aware of his/her bad habits. Submitter puts on clowns-nose on purpose.
Author of message is mocking readers that take life or writing too serious
for his/her taste. (smiley seems to be invented by me, Julius).
:-\ - Undecided smiley. 'hell *I* don't know, I'm only human'
'OK, so he knocked me out...' OR: Popeye smiling face,
for people who look like popeye.
:-/ - Lefty undecided smiley, also often: 'just my luck' or 'stupid me again'
Or: 'But then I got a thick chin...'
:-| - Smiley 'have an ordinary day'. Grim. Bored with the usual.
:-X - Bow tie
:-x - Kiss, Kiss. OR (also): 'my lips are sealed'.
:-$ - Smiley face with it's mouth wired shut
:-& - Smiley which is tongue-tied
:-# - Respondent's lips are sealed.
:-#| - Smiley face with bushy mustache
:-a - lefty smilely touching tongue to nose.
:-s - smiley after a BIZARRE comment.
:-a - Lefty smilely touching tongue to nose
:-B - Drooling
:-b - Left-pointing tongue smiley
:-C - Just totally unbelieving.
:-c - bummed out smiley. Real unhappy
:-D - Extremely happy guy
:-e - disappointed smiley.
:-t - cross smiley.
:-i - semi-smiley.
:-B - Drooling.
:-d - Lefty smiley razzing you
:-D - Submitter talks too much
:-e - Disappointed smiley
:-i - Semi-smiley
:-I - Hmm
:-j - Left smiling smilely
:-k - Submitter means to say 'Look at me, behaving like a dog.'
:-l - Y. a. s.
:-z - y.a.c.s.
:-o - smiley singing national anthem.
:-O - Submitter is shocked. Or: "Wow!"
:-q - smiley trying to touch its tongue to its nose.
:-Q - Smoker
:-r - Sticking tongue out
:-s - Smiley after a BIZARRE comment
:-t - Cross smiley
:-v - Talking head smiley
:-v - Speaking.
:-V - Shout
:-w - Speak with forked tongue. Speaking with forked tongue.
#-) - Submitter partyed all night
%-) - Message about people with broken glasses.
%^) - Looking up to some funny sentence (by pien@xs4all.nl !)
%-) - Person submitting has been staring at the terminal for 36 hours
%-^ - Submitter is Picasso
%-} - Drunk with laughter
%-} - Drunk with laughter.
:%)% - Submitter has acne
:*) - Drunk smiling face
:-% - Respondent has beard.
:-'| - Submitter has a cold
:-(*) - Submitter is getting sick
:- | - Baboon.
:-! - smiley bland face.
:-" - Pursing lips
:-* - Oops.
:-^ - I can feel my fillings with my tongue.
:-, - Smirk.
:-|| - Anger.
'-) - Wink.
:-` - smiley spitting out its chewing tobacco.
:-@ - smiley face screaming.
:-#| - smiley face with bushy mustache.
:-% - smiley banker.
:^) - smiley with pointy nose. (righty)
:-0 - Smiley orator
:-1 - Smiley bland face
:-6 - Smiley after eating something sour
:-7 - Smiley after a wry statement
:-8( - Condescending stare
:-9 - Smiley licking it's lips
:-* - smiley after eating something bitter.
:-p - Message containing a Bronx cheer. Or: Sticking tongue out (U-Meh, at you !).
:-P - Nyah nyah
:'-( - Submitter's got tears in his/her eyes, message by the sad and blue
|"-( - Submitter is crying him/her-self to sleep
|-P - Yuk
|-( - Message written late (at) night / written by someone afraid of results,
knowingly tired writer or writer deliberately keeping eyes closed.
|-) - Submitter is asleep (boredom)
|:-) - Message from someone with bushy eyebrows
|-D - Chink. "Ho ho"
;-) - Smiling face gets his lights punched out
;-( - Sad face gets his lights punched out
;-\ - Popeye gets his lights punched out
;-| - No expression face gets his lights punched out
(:-) - Message dealing with bicycle helmets.
<:-) - Message in which to dumb the questions.
oo - Message with somebody's head-lights on.
O>-<|= - Message of interest to women.
o>8<|= - Message about interesting women.
:^) - Message teasing people about their noses.
:-{#} - Message teasing people about their braces.
(:-# - Message concerning something that shouldn't have been said.
(:-$ - Message indicating a person is ill.
(:-& - Message indicating a person is angry.
(:-* - Message with a kiss.
(:+) - Message concerning Jews. (i.e. big nose)
(:=) - Message concerning people with TWO noses.
(:-: - Message indicating a person is VERY sad.
(:^( - Message concerning people with broken noses.
(:<) - Message concerning blabber mouths.
:-(=) - Message about people with big teeth.
P-) - Person submitting is getting fresh
P.:-) - Message from a person with wavy hair.
&:-) - Message from a person with curly hair.
?-( - Message about people with a black eye.
*:* - Message about fuzzy things.
*:** - Message about fuzzy people with a fuzzy mustache.
+<:-| - Message from a monk or a nun.
- P.= - Message about nuclear war.
(:-D - Message cocerning another blabber mouth.
(:-|K- - Message written in a formal way.
=0== - Message about a mexican on a railroad.
=t== - Message about a mexican run over by train.
...---... - Message containing this is an S.O.S. Message.
<{:-)} - Message in a bottle.
<:-)<<| - Message from a space rocket.
(:-... - Message which is really Heart-breaking.
<<<<(:-) - Message from a Hat sales-man.
<<+>>:-) - Message from a Life-Insurance sales-man.
(O--< - Message which is a bit fishy.
>|-> - Message from China.
B-) - Message from Batman !!!
B-| - Person submitting is wearing cheap sunglasses
(8-) - Message from a four-eye.
(:>-< - Message from a thief.
<I==I) - Message on a SkateBoard.
{(^_^)} - Message to somebody wearing headphones.
{(-_^)} - Message writer winks at somebody wearing headphones.
<^_^> - Message says you have to take your headphones off.
<-v-> - Message to somebody with a beak.
<-_^> - Message with a wink.
<O_O> - Message to a goggly eyes.
<Q^Q> - Message to somebody with funny looking glasses.
<^*^> - Message to somebody with a flattened nose.
[O!O] - Message to a surprised goggly eyes.
(^U^) - Message to a big nose.
(*v*) - Message to somebody with two black eyes.
(:-( - unsmiley frowning.
(:-) - smiley big-face.
):-) - ditto.
):-( - unsmiley big-face.
)8-) - scuba smiley big-face.
+:-) - smiley priest.
:-[ - un-smiley blockhead.
:-] - smiley blockhead.
:-} - Si! - I am'e from'e Barcelona!?!
:-{ - smiley variation on a theme.
{:-) - smiley with its hair parted in the middle.
}:-) - above in an updraft.
g-) - smiley with pince-nez glasses.
:-: - mutant smiley.
:-< - real sad smiley.
:-> - y.a.s.
:v) - left-pointing nose smiley.
:-/ - lefty undecided smiley.
:-? - smiley smoking a pipe.
:-= - My name is Count Dracula, please wash your neck.
:-=) - older smiley with mustache.
:u) - smiley with funny-looking left nose.
:n) - smiley with funny-looking right nose.
}:^#}) - mega-smiley or: updrafted bushy-mustached pointy nosed smiley with a double-chin.
&:-) - Message from a person with curly hair
(*v*) - Message to somebody with two black eyes.
(-) - Submitter needing a haircut
(-: - Submitter is Don Ellis from Tektronix, or is left handed
(:)-) - Submitter likes to scuba dive
(:+) - Message concerning Jews... (i.e. big nose...)
(:-# - Message concerning something that shouldnt have been said...
(:-$ - Message indicating person is ill...
(:-& - Message indicating person is angry...
(:-( - Unsmiley frowning
(:-) - Smiley big-face
(:-* - Kiss...
(:-... - Heart-breaking message...
(:-: - Message indicating person is VERY sad...
(:-D - Message concerning another blabber mouth...
(:-|K- - Formal message.
(:<) - Message concerning blabber mouths
(:=) - Message concerning people with TWO noses (???)
(:>-< - Message from a thief: hands up!
(:I - Egghead
(:^( - Message concerning people with broken noses
(O--< - A fishy message...
(^U^) - Message to big nose.
)8-) - Scuba smiley big-face
):-( - Unsmiley big-face
):-) - Smiley big face
'-) - Submitter only has a left eye, which is closed
'-} - Oh La-La! Vive La France et frogs pour dinner!
.-] - one-eyed smilely.
,-} - Wry and winking
.-) - Submitter has one eye
.-] - One-eyed smilely
':-) - Submitter accidentally shaved off one of his eyebrows this morning
*-( - Cyclops got poked in the eye
*:* - Message about fuzzy things
*:** - Message about fuzzy people with a fuzzy mustache
*:o) - Submitter is a Bozo
*<|:-) - Submitter is Santa Claus (Ho Ho Ho)
+<:-| - Message from a monk/nun...
- P.= - Messages about nuclear war
-(:-) - Submitter is the pope
-:-) - Submitter sports a mohawk and admires Mr. T
3:o[ - Net.pets
8 :-I - Net.unix-wizards
8--|| - robot-mutant smiley
8-) - Smiley swimmer. Or: Submitter wears glasses.
8:-) - Glasses on forehead
8:-) - Submitter is a little girl
8:] - Normal smiling face except that submitter is a gorilla
8-| - Eccles Facialhair.
8-D - HarHar! That's the best joke I've heard for a long time!
8-! - So I wear glasses...I can still kick your butt, you know!
8-# - Aw! I shouldn't have eaten those sour grapes!
8=) - The famous guy with two noses.
8 ) - The famous guy without a nose. (But..how does he smell? Awfull!HarHar!).
8<> - A chicken chick.
>>> - The angry guy with the flat nose.
>-O - I warned you! I AM ANGRY!
: ) - Smiling face needs a nose job, no explanation necessary
:-(=) - Message about people with big teeth.
:-)-{8 - Submitter is a big girl
:-)-{|8- - Submitter is a big boy (and proud)
:-)/2 - Remark was only half in jest
:-)8 - Submitter is well dressed
:-* - Smiley after eating something bitter
:-: - Mutant smiley
:-< - Real sad smiley
:-=) - Older smiley with mustache
:-> - Normal smiling face with deformed lips
:-? - Smilely smoking a pipe
:-@ - Smiley face screaming
:-[ - Biting criticism smiling face, ditto for criticism
:-] - Biting sarcasm smiling face
:-` - Smiley spitting out its chewing tobacco
:-{ - Mustache
:-{#} - Messages teasing people about their braces
:-{) - Normal smiling face with a mustache
:-| - No expression, 'that comment doesn't phase me, Gap toothed Rodger
:-|| - Anger
:-} - Beard
::-) - Respondent wears glasses
:< - Midget unsmiley
:<| - Submitter attends an Ivy League school
:=) - Submitter has two noses
:> - Midget smiley
:>) - Submitter has a big nose
:n) - Smiley with funny-looking right nose
:u) - Smiley with funny-looking left nose
:v) - Left-pointing nose smiley
:^( - Submitter has had his nose put out of joint.
:^) - Smiley with pointy nose (righty)
<-D - Erhm.. Sorry! Please?
<-_^> - Wink
<:-) - Dumb questions
<:-)<<| - Message from a space rocket...
<:I - Dunce
<<<<(:-) - Message from a hat sales-man...
<I==I) - A message on four wheels
<O_O> - Message to goggly eyes.
<Q^Q> - Message to somebody with funny looking glasses.
<^*^> - Message to somebody with a flattened nose.
<{:-)} - Message in a bottle...
<|-(= - Submitter is Chinese and doesn't like this article
<|-)= - Submitter is Chinese. (sorry bout that)
=0== - - Message about mexican on a railroad!
=:-#} - Smiley punk with a mustache....
=:-( - Real punk rockers don't smile
=:-) - Smiley punk-rocker
=:-#} - gotcha-smiley or : smiley ' punk with a mustache '.
=:-) - smiley punk-rocker.
=:-( - smiley 'real punk-rockers don't smile'.
=:-| - smiley punk-rocker on dope.
=8) - Disney-kinda smiley with two hairs on head
=8-) - Nearly bold person doesn't remember ANYthing
=8-( - Nearly bold person suddenly remembers
=8)~ - Nearly bold person can't help being the fool he is
=t== - - Message about mexican run over by train.
?:-) - Submitter feels cool. "I'm The Fonz." Poster has Fonz hairdo.
?;-) - Macho submitter overdid his hair and trying to seduce girl.
?:-] - That cartoon-guy, what's his name?
?-( - About people with a black eye.
>:-I - Net.startrek
>|-> - Message from china...
E-:-I - Net.ham-radio
g-) - Smiley with pince-nez glasses
O>-<|= - Messages of interest to women
o>8<|= - Messages about interesting women
oo - Somebody's head-lights are on messages
{(:-) - Submitter is wearing toupee.
X-( - Net.suicide
X-! - I've got problems defacating.
O |-) - Net.religion
o-) - Submitter is a cyclops
0-) - smiley cyclops. (scuba diver ?)
{0-) - Message from cyclops. Or message from a cyclops.
{:-) - Smiley with its hair parted in the middle
}(:-( - Submitter, wearing toupee in wind.
}:-) - Above in an updraft
}:^#}) - Mega-smiley: updrafted bushy-mustached pointy nosed smiley with beard
:< - midget unsmiley.
:> - midget smiley.
[O!O] - Message to a surprised goggly eyes.
{(-_^)} - Wink at somebody wearing headphones.
{(^_^)} - Message to somebody wearing headphones.
~/~ - Stirring up trouble
: - Submitter is a robot (or other appropriate AI project)
* - Splattered road kill - also: 1 kiss on a cheek ( *** = 3 kisses )
- Smiley invisible man
And yet another interpretation of smileys followes beneath.
I'm busy including it in the above, as I have been doing several times before already.
Trying to make it a complete dictionary...
:-! - Are you talking to me?
:-@ - Amazulu! Really? I'm a Glassweagan!
:-# - ...and he knocked all me teeth out, the git!...
:-$ - See, I'm a rubber face!
:-% - OhNo! A spot on my top lip AND my bottom lip! (Adrian Mole)
:-* - Oh! You naughty boy!
:- - Mister Neutral
:-+ - Givvus a kiss!
)-( - Now I am REALLY angry!
:-’ - See my braces?
:-é - I am Greek!
E-O - I am Darth Vader (see Star Wars)
o-! - And I'm a cyclops (read any old Greek mytholigan book)
Those annoying abbreviations you pretended to know:
AFK = Away From Keybord
BAK = Back At Keys
BB = Bye Bye
BRB = Be Right Back
BTW = By The Way
DMF = (I am / You are) One Dumb Mother Fucker
FWIW = For what It's Worth
FYI = For Your Information
HHOS = Ha Ha Only Serious
IAE = In Any Event
IANAD = I Am Not A Doctor
IANAL = I Am Not A Lawyer
IMCO = In My Considered Opinion
IMHO = In My Humble Opinion
IMNSHO = In My Not-So-Humble Opinion
IMO = In My Opinion
IOW = In Other Words
JBT = Julius Benedictus Thyssen
JOOTT = Just Oone Of Those Things
LOL = Laughing Out Loud
LMF = Lazy Mother Fucker
NIFOC = Nude In Front Of Computer
NN = No News
NRN = No Reply Necessary
OH = Off Hook
OIC = Oh I see (see=C)
OPM = Other People's Money
OSPF = Open Shortest Path First
OTF = On The Floor
OTOH = On The Other Hand
OTTH = On The Third Hand
PMJI = Pardon Me for Jumping In
RIP = Rest In Peace
ROFL = Rolling On Floor Laughing
ROTFL = Rolling On The Floor Laughing
RSN = Real Soon Now
RT = With Respect To
RTFM = Read The Fucking Manual
RTT = Round Trip Time
SITD = Still In The Dark
TIA = Thanks In Advance
TIC = Tongue In Cheek
TLA = Three Letter Acronym
TTL = Time To Live
WRT = With Regard To (also = With Respect To )
YA = Yet Another
YAG = Yet Another Gizmo
YIPL = Youth International Party Line
YMMV = Your Mileage May Vary
YR = Yeah, Right

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Some sick posts in US-english