This script was created from scratch by JT and HZ ( Version 14:50 april 21 2003 - Julius B. Thijssen I needed this because I wanted anonymous dumping ( I love mystery ) and I wanted that old fidonet look, plus some funny extra features which you'll soon enough discover by yourself, and the colors are a special selection I favor... Adapt the script as much as you like, replace txt/html as you wish, I don't mind if you delete the comments in the script (to make it run even faster than it already does ;-) but please leave the line with my email-address in it alone, for the sake of honour ;-) -> UPLOAD in text mode, NOT binary <- -> SET permissions of and jult.htm to 705 on server-level Configuration tips can be found inline (as comments in When you distribute the script, please do not delete this file either. Julius -