test So there you are, a proud owner of Contraband Hell Edition.. ========================================================================= C o n t r a b a n d is (c)1989-1998 Julius B. Thyssen & Hens Zimmerman ========================================================================= First of all: Don't be scared! You can try this program harmlessly. It will require only 500 KB harddisk-space and it does NOT trash your Windows Registry-files or System-directory in any way. We ourselves are fed up with software that does that, so you can rest assure WE won't even try. Contraband Hell Edition requires Windows 95, 98 or NT (Version 3 or up) to run. No additional DLLs are required ! How to install Contraband Hell Edition ? ---------------------------------------- Double-click on the file named "Setup.exe" (it's in the directory where you found this file). A dialog box displaying the License Agreement will pop up. Read the entire text carefully ! If you agree with it, continue installing it. If you do not agree with it, better stop and terminate the installation procedure. Follow the on-screen instructions. Do not overwrite newer versions of files existing on your drive already. The first thing you'll see when you run Contrab is the About-screen. There you can scroll through a text explaining everything you need to know about using the program. The program almost explains itself. What exactly is Contraband Hell Edition (C.H.E.) ? -------------------------------------------------- Why on earth would you use C.H.E. ? -----------------------------------